Monday Jun 07, 2021
29. Shane Claiborne - Mother Teresa, Beating Guns, and Holy Mischief
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Shane Claiborne is such a beautiful human being and it was a privilege to speak to him. As you will hear in the conversation he has his finger in many interlinking pies.
Shane is just so humble and relatable - just an ordinary guy - yet he has learned that his life can make a difference and has given himself to that.
Some of you will have listened to episode 17 with Caz Tod-Pearson from the Simple way. Shane is one of the founders of the Simple Way and is still part of that community in Philadelphia. We don't go into this so much because there is so much else to talk about but if you want to hear more about that go back and listen to that chat with Caz.
We cover his time with Mother Teresa, his activism and civil disobedience, his pacifism, including his time in Iraq during the war, and his fight against gun violence and the electric chair.
It's action packed and sure to leave you inspired
Find Shane at shaneclaiborne.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/ShaneClaiborne
Instagram: @shane.claiborne
Twitter: @ShaneClaiborne
And check out redletterchristians.org for articles, resources, links and more.
Shane's books include Jesus for President; Red Letter Revolution; Common Prayer; Follow Me to Freedom; Jesus, Bombs and Ice Cream; Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers; Executing Grace; Beating Guns; and his classic The Irresistible Revolution.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday May 24, 2021
28. April McLennan - Equipping Youth for Lives of Passion and Purpose
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
As an 18 year old, fresh out of school, April McLennan formed a charitable trust called Limitless to assist teenagers in finding a career path that fits their strengths and values. A few years in, four conferences down and she has learnt a lot. It was a privilege to hear some of that journey.
We talk about how and why it started, what opportunities or barriers being 18 was to getting it going, practicalities of starting a charity, and where she has seen her journey making a difference.
Check out Limitless at limitless.org.nz
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
I am so excited to bring to you a conversation with my mum and dad, Les and Alan Dickson.
Having this kōrero with them was very moving for me, but also was a huge reminder that they are a really big part of why I value what I value. Their commitment to people and love for all is clear throughout the discussion. And while they see themselves as nothing special, they are involved in so much goodness in the world I feel we only just scratched the surface.
We talk about disability support, budget advice, food parcels, offering extra help to those who need it, journeying with people struggling with physical or mental health, and, importantly what they have learnt about themselves through their journey.
To find out about some of the organisations mentioned in this episode, check out:
0800Hungry: Website, or Facebook
Kingdom Resources: Website, or Facebook
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Apr 26, 2021
26. Alanna Chapman - Wine, Slavery, and Making a Difference
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Alanna Chapman and her husband Pete are the owners of the wine label 27 Seconds. 100% of the profit from 27 Seconds goes to support survivors of slavery. 100%! It is a fantastic story of business and justice colliding and becoming something beautifully unique.
We hear from Alanna about how she and Pete ended up selling wine to support slavery survivors - how they got into the wine business, how it all connects to slavery, how they got their name, and what Alanna has learnt about making a difference.
Find 27Seconds Wine at 27seconds.co.nz or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/27secondswine
Instagram: @27secondswine
And find and support Hagar at hagar.org.nz or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/hagarnewzealand/
Instagram: @hagar_nz
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Apr 12, 2021
25. Andrew Gardener - Justice, Sperm Counts, and a Broken Hallelujah
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Andrew Gardener is a fantastic communicator and a great thinker. So we get in deep in this episode, going well beyond small talk to some really vulnerable and personal spaces. We talk about his passions for storytelling and creativity, his journey into being an advocate for justice and the search for living a just life, and his exploration of the connection between faith and suffering, including his own challenging journey towards fatherhood.
Andrew has been a key part of The Justice Conference Asia, and a speaker at The Justice Conference Australia.
Connect with him on Instagram at @Andrew_Gardener
Or check out his podcast A Broken Hallelujah on Spotify
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Mar 29, 2021
24. Lady Ranapiri-Kupa - Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Imprisonment
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
In this episode I talk to Lady Ranapiri Kupa of Prison Fellowship Aotearoa, aka He Korowai Whakapono. Lady oversees people and programmes that really get alongside families of people who have experienced prison to help to break the generational cycle of imprisonment.
We talk about the tamariki and whānau, about mana, dignity, shame, restoration, and seeing people as people. We look at the programmes PFA run and the kaupapa (reason for being) of the programmes and the organisation.
To connect with Prison Fellowship Aotearoa head to hekorowaiwhakapono.nz or:
Facebook: facebook.com/hkwnz
Instagram: @pfa_hkw
Or for the organisation supporting them with cakes, check out cakeitforward.co.nz or:
Facebook: facebook.com/cakeitforwardnz
Instagram: @cakeitforwardnz
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Mar 15, 2021
23. David Hayward @nakedpastor - Stripping Bare the Barriers to Faith
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
The nakedpastor, David Hayward, joins me to talk about his cartoons, his changing faith, his purpose, not to mention his name! Having been a pastor for 30 years David left and forged a career as an artist, drawing cartoons, painting watercolours, writing books, and leading online communities and courses for those processing faith. We talk about all of that and more.
You can find (and purchase) his work at nakedpastor.com or find him on many social media platforms as @nakedpastor (found here on Facebook or Instagram).
You may wish to view the specific cartoons mentioned in this episode.
They can be found as follows:
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Mar 01, 2021
22. Hannah Sheath - Paramedic: Saving Lives, Surviving Trauma
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Hannah Sheath is a paramedic. We talk about what the job entails, what keeps Hannah doing it, what brings her joy in the midst of all the hurt, some lighter, more humorous moments in her career, and her empathy towards her patients through having had her own trauma through her pregnancies. We cover the Christchurch earthquakes and Mosque shootings, and Whakaari (white Island) eruption as well and how she was involved in those situations.
Maybe it's the seriousness of the job but I don't think I've laughed this much ever while recording an episode. In saying that, due to the nature of her paramedic role we do discuss trauma of various kinds that may be triggering for some people - no details, just generic conversations - but if you need to stop listening and take a breath, please look after yourself. This also applies as we get to discussing Hannah's traumatic pregnancies near the end too.
It'll make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Feb 15, 2021
21. Andrew Judd - Recovering Racist
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Former Mayor of New Plymouth, Andrew Judd, joins us to talk about race from a Pākehā perspective. Andrew had a huge world view shift around race while in the role of Mayor that has shaped his life beyond that.
We talk about what he loved about being mayor, what brought on the shift in thinking and the negative response to that from constituents, and how he sees life now. We cover the issue of Māori wards, and his role in petitioning the government to change the law - and why he feels that is important for NZ. It's an honest, open conversation about some hard truths.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Episode 20: Andy - Xmas, Relationship, Whānau
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Andy briefly looks back at a couple of themes from the podcast this year, before inviting us into a slightly different version of the nativity as we head towards Christmas.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Thanks to Ignition Networks for their support. If your business needs creative communications solutions, check out https://ignition.net.nz/