Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Jay Geldard is a big man with an even bigger heart. He has spent years of his life dedicated to seeing young people thrive, first as a 24-7 youth worker, and then as the national director of 24-7. Now he has now picked a fight with Tall Poppy Syndrome, trying to change the way New Zealanders see themselves and others, in an effort to reduce suicide rates and see people be all they can be. This new movement, E Tū Tāngata, is in it's infancy but already making waves throughout the country.
We talk about supporting young people, assisting Schools, tall poppy syndrome, taking pride in yourself, New Zealand's obsession with putting yourself down, complements and insults, changing culture, and bringing a bit of colour to the world.
It is raw and full of emotion. It is sure to inspire.
Learn more about E Tū Tāngata at etutangata.nz or find them on Facebook or Instagram
Or for 24-7 Youthwork, check out 24-7youthwork.nz or find them on Facebook or Instagram
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Oct 18, 2021
38. Sarah West - Priest, Protests, and Dirty Justice
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Sarah West is an Anglican priest in Auckland, tasked with being a chaplain to young adults as part of a community called Ordinary Saints. She is active in matters of justice, including attending protests and organising action around issues she cares about. As well as that she is a fantastic artist and is a wife and mum too.
We talk about being a priest, attending protests, embracing those of other faiths and perspectives, practical ways she is involved in climate justice, intergenerational connection, art and creativity and a whole lot more.
Check out Ordinary Saints on Instagram or check out The Ordinary Saints Podcast
And find Sarah's Art on Instagram or Facebook or her website Visio Lectio
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Oct 04, 2021
37. Dylan Jones - Stories, Media For Good, and Holy Moments
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Dylan Jones from For Good Media joins me to talk about how he is using his film and production skillset to support others who are doing good in the world. To tell important stories with good quality video.
We talk about his journey into film. How the company came about and what it's been like to forge this path in a fairly cut throat industry. We talk fear, creativity, storytelling, holy moments, and much more.
Check out For Good Media at forgoodmedia.co.nz or connect with Dylan on Facebook or Instagram
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Sep 20, 2021
36. Mataio Brown - Hair, Healing, and She is Not Your Rehab
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Mataio Faafetai Malietoa Brown - a.k.a. Matt Brown - is known for his business, My Fathers Barbers, and for the global movement that he started with his wife Sarah, She is Not Your Rehab, inviting men into a journey of healing and wholeness.
Matt and Sarah recently released the best selling book, She is Not Your Rehab, unpacking the kaupapa of the movement with insights from Matt's journey and their journey together.
Matt is a sought after speaker all around the world due to She is Not Your Rehab, yet still has a very grounded focus on family and friends. See his TedX talk that started the movement on YouTube.
We kōrero about hair art, barbershops, vulnerability, anger, healing, empathy, doing the internal mahi, and so much more.
Find My Fathers Barbers on Facebook or Instagram
Find She Is Not Your Rehab at sheisnotyourrehab.com or on Facebook or Instagram and find the book wherever books are sold.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Sep 06, 2021
35. Courtney Manu - Followers, Finance, and Showing Up for Family
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Courtney Manu is your typical mum, wife, and business owner who just happens to have 13,000 Instagram followers. She built the following around helping people become aware of ways to become financially confident, beginning by sharing her and her husband's own journey out of debt.
We talk about social media, debt, vulnerability, investment, generosity, and how family fits into all of this.
Follow Courtney on Instagram at @themanuss
Find Manawatu Home Budgeting Service at mhbs.org.nz
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Today we hear from Dietrich Soakai. A beautiful man with a huge heart, especially for rangatahi, or young people. Currently working for Voyce Whakarongo Mai in youth advocacy, Dietrich has spent a lot of time with young people helping them feel heard.
We talk about growing up in New Zealand as a Pacific Islander, how he discovered poetry and got into youth work and what he saw when those two things were held together, and what he is doing now in the area of child advocacy.
Some te reo Māori, or Māori language terms Dietrich uses include te āo Māori, meaning the Māori world or way of engaging with the world; rangatahi - young person; tamariki - children; pēpi - baby; and mana, which Dietrich uses in a way that loosely means worth or value as a person.
Look out for the challenge he leaves for us at the end of the kōrero.
Check out Voyce Whakarongo Mai on Facebook at facebook.com/VOYCEWhakarongoMai
Hear some of the Word the Frontline poets on Action Station's YouTube channel here
And hear some of Dietrich's own poems here
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
James Harris is passionate about people and has given his life to helping those less privileged than himself. This has led him around the world to a number of places that many of us would never dream of going.
We talk about his passion for youth work, justice, and doing good in the world, and hear how this has been outworked while living and working in Nauru with those in Australian detention centres, influencing the Prime Minister of New Zealand while working for World Vision NZ, and now serving youth in the outback of the land we now call Australia.
This conversation blew my mind and melted my heart, as I'm sure it will yours too.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Jul 19, 2021
32. Lis Rate-Smith - Art, Addiction, and Printing in Prison
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Today's guest is Lis Rate-Smith from Drug-Arm, who heads up their Art East initiative.
Lis is an amazing human being who is using art to help people with addictions and/or poor mental health, and to support and upskill men in prison.
Art East recently received the Creative Space Award at the Te Putanga Toi Arts Access Awards, recognising the way that creativity is being used to make a difference in people's lives.
As well as the Art East space, Lis goes into Christchurch Men's Prison as part of the Navigate initiative, started by Pathway Trust (See episode 1) and teaches screen printing.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Lis and kōrero about how she got into this work, what it looks like, and where she can see it going. It's another fantastic tale of using who you are and what you have to make a difference in the world.
Find out about Drug Arm's Art-East at drugarm.co.nz/what-we-do/art-east/
Facebook: facebook.com/DrugArmChch
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Jul 05, 2021
31. Joel McKerrow - Creativity, Spirituality, and Seeking Justice
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Joel McKerrow is an award winning writer, speaker, educator, artist, and one of Australia’s most successful, internationally touring, performance poets. He is the artist ambassador for Tearfund Australia, and a big part of The Justice Conference in Australia.
In this conversation we talk about his creativity, how that connects with his spirituality which has changed over the years, how he got involved in issues of justice, and so much more. We even listen to one of his poems, released earlier this year.
He is inspiring, thought provoking, and is a totally relatable, down to earth human being.
Check out Joel's creativity at joelmckerrow.com including his exhibition 'Human'.
Find him on Facebook or Instagram
For Joel's poems head to Spotify or Youtube
And find "The Deep Place: On Spirituality and Creativity" podcast on Spotify or where you listen to podcasts.
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion
Monday Jun 21, 2021
30. Naomi Nicholas - Waitangi, Four Eyes, and Learning Without Consuming
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Naomi Nicholas works for Karuwhā Trust. She is part of helping facilitate learning and understanding about Te Tiriti o Waitangi, a.k.a. the Treaty of Waitangi, particularly amongst non-Māori. For those of you overseas and unfamiliar with it, Te Tiriti is the treaty that was signed between the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, and the British Crown in 1840. It is also a treaty that was then repeatedly breached by the colonisers, resulting in much pain and loss for Māori. Yet, understood well it is a great platform from which to work towards reconciliation and even justice.
Naomi shares about what she does in her role, what she notices about the revelations people have on their journeys, how non-Maori can appropriately learn the true history of this nation without simply consuming and taking all over again, and what hope she sees for the future of this country.
To read more about Parihaka Pā or to watch The Children of Parihaka documentary, head to https://nzhistory.govt.nz/occupation-pacifist-settlement-at-parihaka
There are a few Māori terms in the episode today - I've tried to capture them below with basic translations (with the help of maoridictionary.co.nz). In order of their mention in the episode the following terms are used...
Awa - river
Maunga - mountain
Pākehā - non-Māori (usually Caucasian)
Kaupapa - reason for being
Kaumātua - adult, elder - a person of status within the whānau (family), family group (hapu) or iwi (tribe).
Kuia - elderly woman
Haerenga - journey
Whānau - extended family
Whakapapa - genealogy
Tangata Tiriti - person of the treaty.
Tangata whenua - people of the land (indigenous people)
Tūrangawaewae - a standing, a place of standing
Te Pūtake o te Riri - a day commemorating the beginning of the land wars in Taranaki, New Zealand
Parihaka - a settlement in Taranaki that was the site of violent assault by the Crown, met with non-violent response by the Māori residents.
Hīkoi - walk
Whenua - land
Karuwhā - literally 'four eyes'. The nickname given to missionary Henry Williams who helped write the Māori version of the treaty.
Whaea - mother, aunty, sometimes for a woman simply as a term of endearment
Rōpu - group
Whakaiti - belittle, disparage, diminish, cheapen
Kāinga - home
Hapu - sub-tribe
Iwi - tribe
Hui - meeting, gathering, assembly
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe - thank you
Find Karuwhā Trust at karuwha.org.nz or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/Karuwha
Instagram: @karuwha_trust
Connect with me at downtoearthconversations.com or at:
Facebook: facebook.com/downtoearth.conversations
Instagram: @downtoearth.conversations
Email: downtoearth.conversations@gmail.com
Music by Strahan:
Spotify: Strahan
Facebook: facebook.com/StrahanMusic or facebook.com/commonerscommunion
Instagram: @strahanmusic or @commoners_communion